
Have you ever wanted to send multiple emails from an Excel spreadsheet? With Microsoft Office 365, it is now easier than ever. This guide will walk you through the steps of how to use an Excel spreadsheet as a data source for sending out multiple emails with Office 365. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Prepare Your Data in the Spreadsheet

The first step is to prepare your data in Excel. You will need a column of email addresses, one or more columns containing the content of your message, and any other relevant information you want to include. To make sure everything looks right, check that there are no duplicates in your email list and that all addresses are spelled correctly.

Step 2: Connect Your Spreadsheet to Outlook

Now it’s time to connect your Excel spreadsheet to Outlook so that it can pull the data and use it for sending emails. In Outlook, click on “File” and then select “Open > Export” from the drop-down menu. Select “Import/Export” from the options and then choose “Import from another program or file”. Select “Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls)” as the file type and then select your spreadsheet file. After selecting what fields you want imported (email address, subject line, etc.), click “Finish” to complete the import process.

Step 3: Create Your Email Template

Now that your spreadsheet is connected to Outlook, you need to create an email template for sending out your messages. Go back into Outlook and select “New Email” from the top left-hand corner of the page. Here you can create a template with all of the information you want included in each email such as salutations, images, links, etc. Once complete, save this email as a template by clicking on  Save As > HTML File > Save As Template. Give this template a name (e.g., Bulk Email Template) and save it somewhere easily accessible like your desktop or documents folder.

Step 4: Send Your Emails Now it’s time to send out those emails!

Open up your newly created template and click “Insert Merge Field” under “Write”. From here you can select which fields from your spreadsheet should be included in each email (e.g., recipient’s name). Once done, click on “Send/Receive” at the top of Outlook and select “Send All” – this will generate all of your individualized emails based off of the information contained within your spreadsheet! Congratulations – you have just sent multiple emails from an Excel spreadsheet using Office 365!

Sending multiple emails using an Excel spreadsheet has never been easier with Office 365! By following these simple steps outlined above, anyone can create their own bulk mail list without having any prior technical knowledge or experience with code or programming languages like HTML or JavaScript. Best of luck – happy mailing!


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